Friday, May 13, 2011

Business Cards That Work Harder.

Why not make your business card work harder, by creating a mini ad on the reverse side?
Dake features a product photo and a key phrase to get attention and a QR code that plays
a product demo video when captured with a smart phone.

Email Marketing Has Great ROI.

Research shows that email campaigns are the most effective online marketing tool today.
Creating attention getting promotions keeps you in front of your customers and keeps them
in touch with your latest offer or promotion.

Marketing Campaign Supports Unprecedented Growth

Within its industry, Cardinal is ranked second in third-party logistics companies, making more
than one million home/jobsite deliveries each year. Meritus helped make that growth possible
by designing a new website, ads for trade publications, a print campaign, and PR.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Expanding Marketplace

Service and repair work for highly technical medical equipment is in big demand. A small
Atlanta-based medical imaging business is reaching out to new markets in Africa with a
new web site and company identity.